I have been very busy this last week catching up on edits from the previous week and also shooting each day this weekend.
I enjoyed myself on Friday evening take photos of Finbarr & Rachel at their wedding party here in Dublin. We spent an hour or so taking some family pictures which they did not get at the main wedding in Cyprus. This time was focussed on getting some good pictures of the lovely couple with their children.
On Sunday morning we met up again for some more pictures, this time very much in a trash the dress styale. I will include one picture in particular due to the fact that it is the same location as the main picture on this page. I spent my editing time focussing on a certain style. It has long been my aim to adapt a style that will be mine and make me unique. I think through heavy concentration on this shoot I have settled on my direction and I am now working towards including this style in all my weddings. These pictures have been very well received up to now and I hope will continue to be well received.
On another note my website is almost finished, thanks to Leanne Harte who has continuously been working very hard and dedicating a lot of time and energy to getting it spic and span. I can't wait to announce the finished site, I am really looking forward to it and I am sure it will be a HUGE improvement on what I have already.
I also enjoyed shooting the lovely Amie and her family, we were specifically getting a picture of Amie and her cousins to give to her grandparents as a gift. We all had a great time out in the park and got some lovely group and individual shots. I met with Amiw and her mother and aunts last night and was delighted as always to see the reaction as they went through the shots.
As always I am sure there will be plenty more occasions where I shoot Amie, surely she will feature in another post some time soon.
Visit www.rachelfoxphotography.com