Friday, September 4, 2009

A different approach

I have been a bit tired of late with the back to school hours, I was getting very comfortable with my lie ins.  After editing all evening yesterday I awoke this morning with no pizazz.  There was nothing in me today it was like every ounce of creativity had left my body. 
In order to revive myself I went off out to Dun Laoighaire.  My husband thought a change of scenery would help and the lovely Paul Walsh insisted if I got some nice flower shots I might get going again.  So I took their advice and off I went.  After just an hour casually taking photos I returned home delighted with my accomplishments.
Along the way I did take a couple of 'flower' shots to please Paul, however I have never been known to shoot landscape or scenery pictures.  Some people may go out and take amazing shots of just a bird in flight, or a different view of a statue or whatever people do when they go out photographing a city or town.  So I decided on going a little abstract, I took pictures of some inanimate objects, like bins and broken gates.  As much as I know the seaside is a great portrayal of our lovely country there are many parts that are hidden.  I would not be into street photography as it has become known i.e. shooting people as they sit having a drink etc.  I do feel though the shots today represent the normal parts of each town that we look past and ignore.  Almost an urban feel with my selective processing and I am happy with the results.  And here is one to share......
