Friday, October 14, 2011

Different ideas for photography

Photos can be so much, a single photo can be so important to someone it might be the most valued thing they own!  I often think photography can be underappreciated, I don't mea that in a selfish way, I actually mean it.  We can do so much with photos, we can portray a feeling by capturing an image of a flower, we can remind someone of the emotion they felt on their wedding day by capturing that one stray tear or the huge bear hugs from friends but what else can we do.....

I love cuteness, I love attention to detail and ok, I may not be the most artistic person in the world but I have a terrible habit of making a fuss of family occasions.  It mainly began when my dear old dad ;) (dad I know you're not really old, sorry) turned 50, an uncle had written a poem about him years before and I decided to use it, I designed a folded card with old images and verses inside and left them at each table.  After that I decided, well I can do this more often, so I did it for another family friend, this time writing my own poem, then for my mam, then for my dads wedding blessing and so on and so on. 

Anyway, the point is, I have realised a simple and easy way to make the kids feel special, and here it is:

A personalised invite, designed by myself through photoshop and printed at the local photo lab giving me cost effective personalised invitations for my kids parties.

Happy Birthday Baby, love you lots and lots like jelly tots xxxxxx

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