It is Monday afternoon although still that time of day night owls like me refer to as morning. I have been home for over 2 hours, taken a few calls re advertising and replied to emails and queries received over the last few days.
Friday turned out even better with the weather completely ignoring forecasts, we had sun and clouds for the majority of the day and Teresa and Jim were delighted to have a full outdoor photoshoot, temps even seemed to rise as we went out for our shots! The Ardboyne staff were fantastic on the day, guests great fun and all in all this was Teresa's perfect day!
I would be lying if I did not say I was tired. I had left my house at 10am on Thursday morning, arriving home after 7, I sat down and got to work uploading and culling my shots. I finished my work shortly after 12 and headed straight to bed, no breaks in between and a quick dinner over the laptop, I had worked for 14 hours! Friday was much the same with me leaving just after 10, when I came home I considered going to the cinema with my youngest babe but there was nothing suitable so out came the memory cards and the laptop and I got straight back to work. With my eyes closing and my legs like jelly I went to bed close to 1am, this time I was bold enough to order a takeaway and again, eat my dinner over the laptop. Again I had worked straight for pretty much 14 hours.
I should say Saturday was spent working and editing but no, I spent much of the day as a taxi with birthday parties and kids friends etc I had little more than a few hours to view my selections and prepare for Sundays Rock the Frock shoot. With little more than 5 hours sleep I was up bright and early to head to the beach. I got out of the car and within seconds I was windblasted! Sand in my eyes, my ears, my jacket in my face at one stage, I thought NOOOOOOOO! I was to meet members of Swords Camera Club prior to my 3 couples arriving, this shoot was requested by the couples and they had kindly agreed to allow the camera club members to join, I allowed for 7 other photographers but as we waited we very soon realised this was not meant to be! Huddled in the back of Paul's car as I could not stand by his window to plan the day we decided to head off to St. Anne's Park for some shots. With some fantastic backdrops we really were delighted and as the weather calmed down we headed back towards Bull Island hoping to shelter in amongst the sand dunes for more shots. Having completed the session, heading back towards Lucan for a private session with my clients, sitting in traffic, my stomach spoke to me, I had spent the previous 3 days non stop working and looking after mini mes that I really had only eaten 3 times! We finished off our shoot on the 12th lough and I quickly headed home to grab the family and go enjoy a nice carvery down the local pub.
Am I tired? Why yes I am! But here I sit, in my element, waiting for images to upload and get on with the editing process.
As much as I would love to share some wedding shots with you, it is unfortunately too early so instead, rocking the frock are 3 fabulous couples who gave myself and 7 photographers a fantastic experience.
Here is to many more weeks like this!
My new personal trainer
Last week started off quiet and calm really, it is the beginning of my high season now so there was very little for me to catch up on. On Monday I began my new exercise regime, completed a few edits and met with potential clients in the evening. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are a day of irritation for me, as many know I love my job for multiple reasons, one being that I can still do the Mammy stuff most days. Unfortunately Tuesdays mean travelling across Dublin to bring my mini superstar to her stage school, I wouldn't have it any other way though, Billie Barry's has really brought her out of her shell and she loves every second of it, constantly asking when her next lesson is! Wednesday I have a minimum of 4 little girls home after school, my own 2 and friends, bring the younger 2 to majorettes with Kerrie and Lynsey and then the older 2 afterwards. Lately though Kerrie has been fantastic and often takes the younger ones up to the lessons and drops the older 2 back at the end which is a huge help, saving me from having to do 6 trips up and down to the school for the day!
Kelsie loves to pose whereas Nikki likes to be behind the scenes, here is Kelsie showing off one of Nikki's designs, completely made from scarfs!
I was very apprehensive last week I must say! The weather as we all know was an utter disaster, one day in the school yard the wind and rain was so strong I felt as if I would be blown off my feet, parents huddled together looking for shelter as kids walked across the yard, tears aplenty wondering where Mammy was. At that moment I just thought, bloody heck, what am I going to do for my weddings this week, my poor brides! I tried to call Thursdays bride, Sonja, when I reached the car, I thought if I am this upset how upset must she be, with a location such as Kilashee House she was bound to want to get outside at some stage. With no answer I left her a simple text telling her not to worry, come rain or shine she will have the best day of her life. She certainly did and the rain decided to go elsewhere just when we wanted it to! Always wary that rain may come back I ensured a few outdoor pictures outside the church but an hour later we were in the stunning gardens of Kilashee, delighted to get a FULL photoshoot in, the Gods were looking down and the rain came seconds after we walked back in the doors!Friday turned out even better with the weather completely ignoring forecasts, we had sun and clouds for the majority of the day and Teresa and Jim were delighted to have a full outdoor photoshoot, temps even seemed to rise as we went out for our shots! The Ardboyne staff were fantastic on the day, guests great fun and all in all this was Teresa's perfect day!
I would be lying if I did not say I was tired. I had left my house at 10am on Thursday morning, arriving home after 7, I sat down and got to work uploading and culling my shots. I finished my work shortly after 12 and headed straight to bed, no breaks in between and a quick dinner over the laptop, I had worked for 14 hours! Friday was much the same with me leaving just after 10, when I came home I considered going to the cinema with my youngest babe but there was nothing suitable so out came the memory cards and the laptop and I got straight back to work. With my eyes closing and my legs like jelly I went to bed close to 1am, this time I was bold enough to order a takeaway and again, eat my dinner over the laptop. Again I had worked straight for pretty much 14 hours.
I should say Saturday was spent working and editing but no, I spent much of the day as a taxi with birthday parties and kids friends etc I had little more than a few hours to view my selections and prepare for Sundays Rock the Frock shoot. With little more than 5 hours sleep I was up bright and early to head to the beach. I got out of the car and within seconds I was windblasted! Sand in my eyes, my ears, my jacket in my face at one stage, I thought NOOOOOOOO! I was to meet members of Swords Camera Club prior to my 3 couples arriving, this shoot was requested by the couples and they had kindly agreed to allow the camera club members to join, I allowed for 7 other photographers but as we waited we very soon realised this was not meant to be! Huddled in the back of Paul's car as I could not stand by his window to plan the day we decided to head off to St. Anne's Park for some shots. With some fantastic backdrops we really were delighted and as the weather calmed down we headed back towards Bull Island hoping to shelter in amongst the sand dunes for more shots. Having completed the session, heading back towards Lucan for a private session with my clients, sitting in traffic, my stomach spoke to me, I had spent the previous 3 days non stop working and looking after mini mes that I really had only eaten 3 times! We finished off our shoot on the 12th lough and I quickly headed home to grab the family and go enjoy a nice carvery down the local pub.
Am I tired? Why yes I am! But here I sit, in my element, waiting for images to upload and get on with the editing process.
As much as I would love to share some wedding shots with you, it is unfortunately too early so instead, rocking the frock are 3 fabulous couples who gave myself and 7 photographers a fantastic experience.
Here is to many more weeks like this!
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